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just a little more about moi
as you know my name is nicole. i live in illinois but im definitely moving to california for college. i enjoy sleeping, texting (yes i know its cliche), watching movies, writing (duh), and painting. and i hate onions, cold weather, and show offs more than anything. id like to say im pretty spontaneous and random and sometimes even borderline weird. im pretty impatient and i get annoyed pretty easily. some people say that i look mean but i dont think so. like if you were to randomly come up to me and say 'hey lets be friends' and you didnt look like a creeper, id prbly say 'sure!'. i love laughing so if you can make me laugh ill prbly love you. im pretty short. im only like 5'3''-ish. my friends usually make fun of me and i usually blame my asian-ness. oh yeah! did i forget? im half asian. not that its important or anything cause i act 'so white' according to my best friend in the entire world JENNIFER SHEN. im a lucky person to have known her my entire life. youre just jealous cause ive known my best friend for +15 years. suckerr. so yeah, i really dont like rambling about myself. i feel like im missing key concepts to my personality that only your friends notice. if that makes sense. so im gonna stop cause i feel conceited. i always feel conceited when i start rambling in like those 'about me' things on myspace and facebook. if thats normal. doesnt everyone feel that way? whatever.
oh did i forget to mention how i love chuck bass? lol. he's like the best fictional character, well in my opinoin. so yes, now you can make fun of me. esspecially you jenn cause i know youre going to read this and mention it. (:
To bad the guy who plays Chuck is gay in real life.