My days always start off the same. I roll out of bed at 6:10, wash my face/brush my teeth, do my hair while listening to my lastest music obsession, pull on whatever clothes i still like, line my eyes with shitty stick eyeliner and darken my thin eyelashes, make my lunch, and finally leave the house at 6:47 to wait at the corner alone for my bus to arrive. taking the bus is so cliche too. it makes me feel like a suburbanite from a cheesey blockbuster. i cannot wait until i can drive but sadly thats not going to be for another year due to my stupid summer birthday. my impatience does not help at all.
So how was my day? it was typical. i had to watch a movie about the Kennedy assassination today. like it was interesting and all but not my cup of tea. im not into history one bit. the only thing that really annoyed me today was how i got a headache during the middle of the day. i always get those. its a mystery why though. my mother says its because of my eyes but i have yet to establish a clear connection between eyes and headaches. besides that, it was alright. this weekend is going to be chaotic though. i have to write that power essay for english and basically im taking the voice of a cocky conceited asshole so that should be interesting. on the bright side, i get to stay up tonight watching movies and talking andd i get to sleep in tomorrow. woot!
a poem from about a week ago;
its raining outside
its pouring
every drop hits my window
with a graceful tap
almost in harmony
looking out the window,
everything is distorted
like a foggy unclear mirror
everything blends together
creating something obscene
never scene
the picture i used to see every morning
seems distant as if it never existed
rain might make the flowers grow
but it acts as a cleanser as well
whiping off everything that once mattered
but doesnt now
cleaning the slate
starting over
giving a little peace of mind