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i want to see you more than i have ever wanted to see someone.
thats saying something.

everyone is trying to generalize and categorize life but its different for everyone. the only thing we all know is that its not easy. the rich snobby girl with a mansion and a bmw is definitely going to have a different perspective on life than the girl with the abusive alcoholic father that has never even stepped foot in an actual house. so one person cannot create a universal description on life. i even find myself realizing that i cannot really ask for advice from anyone because they dont really know the situation. im a big girl now and i have to figure things out on my own. i mean like honestly, im not going to have a lot of my friends from high school in college. maybe just like three. the three good ones that actually matter.i dont even know who those three are though cause people change and things happen. its stressful.
sometimes i wish my life was like E's.